Unit 10

Apprendre à Manger

Firstly, click here to open the Apprendre à Manger website.

The website will open into a different window - use your mouse to click between the two windows (or ALT-TAB to do it more quickly).

Firstly, scroll down below the picture of the apple to the seven-frame picture story. You will see that the story is in a different kind of handwriting to yours! This is because Swiss and French children are taught a different style of handwriting from British children. The story is about two children learning how to grow up big and strong. In the first frame of the story, they ask their friend the river what they should do to eat healthily.

Q1: The third to seventh frames (the numbers are in top right-hand corners of each picture) list the advice that the river gives the children, about what to eat and what to avoid. Look at the headings below and write which frame (3–7) goes with which heading. You could also re-draw the frames on paper or using your computer and label them with the headings.


1. Some examples of breakfast foods.

2. Some things that Swiss children might have for "souper" (this translates as "supper", and is what Swiss children would call their evening meal)

3. These are the things you should eat every day if you want to be healthy.


4. These are the things you need to avoid as much as possible.


5. Some things that Swiss children might have for "dîner" (this translates as "lunch" here - in France it would be called "déjeuner", of course).

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