Kazibao webzine

Vocabulary level:
Website size:

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Click here to look at the Activity on the Kazibao site.

Click here to see the answers to the Kazibao Activity.

Kazibao is a popular online "webzine" which is bright, flashy and fun. Although it is entirely free, you need a "pseudo" (user name) and password to enter the site. We have registered a fusée user name for teachers and pupils to use - the "pseudo" is fusee1 and the accompanying password is virige. Enter these names into the box on the opening page of Kazibao and you will be launched into the site proper. Three different windows open at once with this site - a remote control window from where you can access all parts of Kazibao, as well the Tchatches live chat section plus the main page of the magazine.

The activity concentrates on just the different parts of the site and their names, but there is a huge array of other attractions on offer that change regularly, such as problem pages, discussion forums, cinema files, magazine articles and so on. As far as Unit 2 is concerned, certain forums give the chance to enter descriptions of what you look like. The language is quite slangy and in the forums in particular you'll find many different abbreviations of common phrases that might prove interesting, such as "un blème" for "problème" or "chuis" for "je suis".
