Collège Saint-Joseph

Vocabulary level:
Website size:

Click here to look at the Collège Saint-Joseph site.

Click here to look at the Activity on the Collège Saint-Joseph site.

Click here to see the answers to the Collège Saint-Joseph Activity.

This is the first of two websites for French-speaking schools, for a C.E.S. secondary school in Chimay, Belgium. The homepage automatically takes you through to the main menu, where there is a list of main options in the top left of the screen - most of these then open sub-menus below. The main points of interest for pupils' use (and what the activities focus on as well) lie under the "Présentation" and "La vie au C.E.S." headings. Under the "Présentation" sub-menu, the "Les études" link brings up a detailed breakdown of the timetable of lessons for the different years at the school - this would obviously be useful to practise the language taught in Unit 6, although at the moment this section is not working.

Also of interest is the school magazine Echollège which is updated every month or two with new articles written by students at the C.E.S., plus the "Le théâtre" which has reviews of plays put on at the school.

Collège Lucie Faure

Vocabulary level:
Website size:

Click here to look at the Collège Lucie Faure site.

Click here to look at the Activity on the Collège Lucie Faure site.

Click here to see the answers to the Collège Lucie Faure Activity.

This school website is slightly more friendly than the previous one and features several different projects and details of school trips as well as information about the school itself. Once you have clicked on the school logo "Pour visiter le Collège Lucie Faure", our exercises concentrate on the school details (accessible by pressing the "Le Collège" button from the menu) and have an open-ended task based on the school trips/activities - it's best to check what's available on this page ("Activités" from the menu) though as it will no doubt be updated or changed every few months.

At time of writing there is also a slightly surreal but enjoyable photo story ("Roman photo") posted by one of the school's classes involving an imaginary trip to England by two pupils, plus news of the progress of the Collège's sports teams under "E.P.S."

