Quelle Online

Vocabulary level:
Website size:

Click here to look at the Quelle site.

Click here to look at the Activity on the Quelle site.

Click here to see the answers to the Quelle Activity.

Quelle is a huge international mail-order company, and this website is the French branch of their online catalogue. It has a large collection of clothes on sale for all ages, as well as various items of furniture, household appliances and so on. From the homepage you can access the actual main catalogue by clicking on either the picture of the catalogue, or by clicking on the "Votre shopping" button. The other buttons from the homepage lead to different angles on the catalogue, such as cheap deals, seasonal offers etc.

Beyond understanding the various parts of the site, our activity gives free rein to students to look through the catalogue for something they like or at least can understand! Although the items of clothing they will have encountered in Unit 9 will not always re-appear here with exactly the same description, they are nonetheless bound to recognise enough words to get the gist (along with the pictures) of what is on offer. Another idea for an activity is to give the students a budget and ask them to buy a set of clothes with a description of each item re-using vocabulary or phrases from the Quelle site.


Vocabulary level:
Website size:

Click here to look at the FNAC site.

Click here to look at the Activity on the FNAC site.

Click here to see the answers to the FNAC Activity.

FNAC is the well-known French equivalent of Virgin Megastore that has shops in virtually every French city selling books, CDs, videos, computer accessories and more. The website has a fast-changing collection of entertainment goods for sale very much in the style of amazon.co.uk. However, fnac.com spreads further than this into "fnac.net", which is an online magazine with chat-rooms, forums, internet access and more. This part of the site also has a section dedicated to children - accessed by clicking on "Enfants" (under the "Culture plus" heading in the left-hand menu of fnac.net) - which contains interviews and articles of interest to younger readers.

The fusée activity asks students not only to identify the different parts of the FNAC website but then gets them to put articles into different categories within it. As most of the site changes very rapidly, for the second half of the activity we have taken previous offers announced by FNAC and asked pupils to guess their meaning.
